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Leijalautailu kurssi joensuu


SKU: 1002

The basic course offers you the skills you need to continue training independently and above all safely.  The teaching starts with a theory part that lasts about 2 hours, from which we move on to a practical part that lasts about 6h._cc781905-5c -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In the practical lesson, we first fly a small training kite, after which we move on to controlling the power-regulated kite.  The course aims to get the first successful water starts and the course can also be extended without additional costs._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


In winter, you need your own helmet, winter equipment and skis/board/snowboards.

In the summer, you need suitable clothes for the prevailing weather, and when going into the water, your own wetsuit and helmet are recommended, because we cannot guarantee that the right size is available in stock. Towel, drinking bottle and change of clothes.


The equipment will be reviewed during the theory part, and if you already have your own kite equipment, it is good to bring these too so that we can go through their use together.

Otherwise, we always offer lessons with the new North Välinein.

  • Description

    The basic course provides you with the skills you need to continue practicing independently and above all safely.  The teaching starts with a theory part that lasts about 2H from which we move on to a practical part that lasts about_cc781905 -5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_6H.   The course aims to get the first successful water starts.

    The course does not exactly watch the clock, but aims to make learning fun and safe. Even after the course.


    In the summer, you need suitable clothes for the prevailing weather, and when going into the water, your own wetsuit is recommended. Life jackets and a helmet are mandatory and to ensure the size it is good to have your own, because we cannot guarantee that the right size is available in stock. Towel, drinking bottle and change of clothes.

    The equipment will be reviewed during the theory part, and if you already have your own kite equipment, it is good to bring these too so that we can go through their use together.

    Otherwise, we always offer lessons with our own modern tools.

    After you have paid for the course, we will contact you and together we will agree on a schedule for the lesson. The lesson is spread over several days depending on the weather conditions. 

  • Opi leijalautailua Joensuussa

    Joustavat kurssiajat

    Leijalautailukurssin ajat ovat viitteellisiä, emmekä katsele kelloa kurssin aikana. Pyrimme saamaan oppilaan oikeasti lajin pariin niin, että harrastaminen on turvallista ja hauskaa. Tarkoittaen sitä, ettei sinun tarvitse oppia lajia tietyn aikarajan sisällä.

    Miksi aloittaa leijalautailu juuri kesällä?

    Leijalautailun aloittaminen kesällä on loistava ajankohta oppia lajin pariin. Lämpimät säät sekä sopivat tuuliolosuhteet luovat ihanteelliset puitteet harjoittelulle. Vesi tarjoaa pehmeän alustan kaatumisille joten järvellä saa temmeltää melko vapaasti ilman pelkoa loukkaantumisesta.

    Mitä tarvitset mukaan leijalautailukurssille?

    • Tarjoamme kaikki nykyaikaiset välineet käyttöösi.
    • Suosittelemme kuitenkin omaa märkäpukua.
    • Oma pyyhe
    • Mahdollista evästä/juotavaa

    Turvallisuus ennen kaikkea

    Mikäli keli on liian heikko tai liian kova, niin kurssi siirretään toiselle ajankohdalle sujuvan opettelun, oppilaan ja muiden liikkujien turvallisuuden takaamiseksi.

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